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Let's talk about screening

LGBTQ+ people are eligible for NHS screening programmes

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Girl with pink hair smiling broadly into the camera

NHS screening programmes aim to detect problems early when treatment may be more effective.

They do not discriminate against gender identity or sexuality. If you are eligible, it’s important to attend.

Screening is available through GP practices and some sexual health clinics. Taking part in screening programmes is your choice.

Screening programmes in Humber and North Yorkshire

It’s important to know what screening you’re eligible for, and make sure you book your appointments. You may be eligible for:

If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, don’t wait for your screening appointment. Contact your GP for an appointment as soon as possible. 

Screening if your gender does not match the sex you were assigned at birth

If you are a trans man or non-binary and have changed your gender on your medical record, you may not be invited for cervical or breast screening.
If you still have a cervix and/or breast tissue, speak to your GP practice team to make sure you are invited for an appointment.
If you are a trans woman or non-binary and have changed your gender on your medical record, you may not be invited for AAA screening.
If you’re over 65 and assigned male at birth, you can find your local AAA screening service online.
A transgender man sat with a drink, smiling into the camera

Cervical screening is for everyone with a cervix

If you have a cervix, regardless of your sexual orientation, remember to book your cervical screening.

Cervical screening is not just for heterosexual women with a cervix. Trans men and non-binary people who still have a cervix should have cervical screening to help prevent cervical cancer.

Trans men and non-binary people who have had a total hysterectomy to remove their cervix do not need cervical screening.

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If you have breast tissue, you still need to be chest aware.

If you still have breast tissue, you are eligible for breast screening. If you’re a trans man and have had chest reassignment surgery (top surgery), ask your surgeon about how much breast tissue you have remaining. They may advise that you still need breast screening.

You should keep aware of the symptoms of breast cancer, and contact your GP if you notice any unusual changes. CoppaFeel can help you learn how to check your breasts, chest or pecs and provides advice for trans and non-binary people.

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A transgender woman in a yellow coat and floral dress looking into the camera

If you’re 65+ and assigned male at birth, you are eligible for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening

AAA screening is a free NHS test that involves a simple ultrasound scan to measure the abdominal aorta. This is the main blood vessel that supplies blood to the body.

Men, trans women and non-binary people assigned male at birth, aged over 65 are eligible for AAA screening.

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Two senior friends laugh affectionately together. The women are standing outside on a sunny but cool day. They are dressed in casual sweaters. One woman is of African descent and the other is Caucasian.

Bowel cancer screening is for everyone over 56

Bowel screening involves an initial test kit that is offered for use at home. Bowel cancer screening reduces your risk of dying from bowel cancer.

Everyone over 56, regardless of gender identity and sexuality will be invited for bowel cancer screening.

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Making your screening appointment more comfortable

Sometimes screening appointments can feel a little uncomfortable. Remember, you can:

  • ask for a practitioner of a particular gender, although this cannot always be guaranteed
  • bring a chaperone to your appointment
  • speak to your practitioner about the language you would prefer them to use, to help make the experience as positive as possible
Two women holding a baby

Planned improvements in screening programmes for transgender and non-binary people

A new NHS Cervical Screening Management System is expected to be launched in 2023. It will allow GPs or sexual health providers to manually opt-in eligible transgender men and non-binary people so that they also receive an automatic screening invitation to participate in the NHS Cervical Screening Programme.